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Mosaico por paz

What makes this project special and unique is the variety of theactivities provided. The activities organized by Ecocompartimos volunteers helps people to gain new skills and competences. During the various workshops, people can improve their language skills, gain knowledge about the world, different cultures and also develop their creativity.

A Mosaic for Peace is an international cultural action with a goal to send a message in favor of tolerance, fraternity and peace all around the world. In this project, the participants are designing their mosaic expressing their feelings in a 50 x 50 m artwork, for a better life in a world that increasingly demands greater justice and solidarity, with the aim of establishing a lasting peace.
For its part, with this project ATJDCP is launching a call to cultivate the peace through art and creativity to create the biggest mosaic in the world (100m x 50m) with participants coming from all around the world hoping that humanity will overcome hatred at the end.
With this project Ecocompartimos and ATJDCP want to reach their aspirations of living all together in a better world with more justice and solidarity under the emblem of this big mosaic which will be located in a emblematic and touristic place in Sousse.

Objectivos del proyecto

  • To offer the youngsters the opportunity of participate in a cultural and international exchange

  • To open new opportunities of cooperation between North Africa Mediterranean countries and European countries.

  • To equip the youngsters with new and helpful tools that can be used in their future personal and professional life.

  • To disseminate the culture for the peace.

  • To promote the intercultural voluntarily (in both levels: local and international) and the spirit of initiative and proactivity.

Participantes del equipo Español

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Ana Laura

"Fue una experiencia increible que recomienda absolutamente a todo el mundo... Aprendí muchísimo, tanto personalmente como profesionalmente... Gracias a Ecocompartimos"


"Es una experiencia que todo el mundo debería vivir, te cambia por completo."



"Son experiencias que solo puedo recomendar, son super enricedores y te permiten mejorar tus capacidades, entre ellas la lengua extranjera, el inglés."



"Es una oportunidad genial, tienes tiempo libre para viajar, para hacer otras cosas..."



"Es una oportunidad genial, tienes tiempo libre para viajar, para hacer otras cosas..."

Sousse, Tunisia

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