During these two days we have been working at one of the artists´atelier, in Poste Kalaa Kabira (Sousse). We have been guided by Badía and Christina, who exposed to us their conceptions about the art of the mosaic. Bady introduced to us a bit ofthe mosaic´s trajectory trough the History. This type of art was born around 7.000 years ago. By this time, the mosaic didn´t have an artistic purpose, but architectural (in different sort of buildings, cultivation and farming). Later, when the roman culture arised, it began to be used as an artistic way to express ideas relaed to religion and spiritualism. After that, the art of the mosaic started to use new materials like glass and marble. According to Cristina, the mosaic art is a way of transformation that let us express ourselves at the same time that you work toegether with the others. She has developed some mosaic projects regarding to childhood malnutrition and gender violence. Besides that, the main objective isn´t just obtaining a beautiful artwork, but trying to make people think about these issues. That´s why they tried to use the public space to expose mosaics. A MOSAIC FOR PEACE 26 sept-2 oct. MOSAIC ATELIER (Wednesday/ Thursday) Mosaic atelier (Wednesday/Thursday) Preparing workshops for the following weeks with the kids (Friday/Saturday) The main activities that took place during this week involved: Designing our own mosaic Collecting the stones we need Cutting the stones for the mosaic The main activity that we did during these two days involved several tasks: Telaraña (Inti+ Daniella) This or that (Martina+ Luis) Represent yourself (Vera+ Nissaf) Towel mirror (Noa, Nolween, Carlota) Two truths,one lie (Jose + Omayma) Square race (Aya+ Seif) Spaghuetti (Noa, Nolween, Carlota) Word feeling (Eleonora) One of the goals of this project involves working with kids from a local school of Sousse in the public library of Kalaa Seghira. Thus, the volunteers will develop several workshops with kids, which will take place on Friday and Saturday of every week. FRIDAY On Friday we went to the library in the morning to prepare the activites for our first day with the kids who would join us later in the afternoon. We received a group of around 23 kids, of an ae ranged from 8 to 20 years old. We scheduled some games in order to get to know each other in a funny way. The volunteers were divided in groups of two. Thus, we had eight groups, and each one of them prepared one activity: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. WORKSHOP PREPARATION (Friday/Saturday) The kids´response was really postive, as they seemed very happy and to be having a great and funny time all toegether. Some of them were a bit shy, but the games that the previous pictures show, helped them to get more involved with the group. At the end of the afternoon, we took a picture of the kids and the volunteers in the garden of the library, which portrays the good time we all had. SATURDAY On Saturday, all the volunteers met at the public library around 1 pm in order to organize the presentations of the different workshops that we would develop in the following weeks. The idea was to present all the activties to the kids, so that at the end of the afternoon they could sign up to the workshops that we will develop in the following weeks. The workshops that will take place in the following weeks are: CLOWN WORKSHOP The main purpose of thisactivity is to acquire body awareness, develop creativity and strengthen confidence and self-esteem through exhibition play The idea is to achieve that kids develop their creativity by painting a mural in one of the free walls of the library SUSTANAIBLE FASHION This workshop is focused on raising awareness about the importance of recycling in the Fashion sector in our daily lives and creating sustainable products with 100% recycled materials with our own hands. Learning parts of the team for the production of a videoclip: Art direction (moodboard and antotipias), photo direction (lightening), production (materials), costume direction (tye dye), editing (capcut) VIDEOCLIP The objective is to make kids reflex about importante of recycling and how pollution damages the enviroment around us. This way, the idea is to créate a doll using recycled materiales at the same time REUSING PLASTICS PAINTING A MURAL BOTANICAL COLLAGE The purpose of this workshop is to work with kids in identifying and searching local plants and flowers in order to create a kind of album and book marks using the "pressing" technique BOTTLE CAPS MOSAIC The idea is to use bottle caps for a colorful eco-mural to be done with the children and promoting the activity so people can bring to the library collected bottle caps
A MOSAIC FOR PEACE 26 sept-2 oct.